What will this adapter below? It is a infrared audio converter that allows any cell phone, with headphone, become a universal remote! Very cool idea, No?
Come inside this cute little box with a QRCODE. I tried to scan the code, but it led me to a site that no longer exists. That's when I realized I was going to have some problems with this adapter.
The construction is very simple: a P2 connector four way and an infrared led. I saw on the internet that the welding personnel direct infrared leds on the P2 connector to use the audio output. An interesting DIY (Do it Yourself).
After much research and claims Chinese sites I found the appropriate software to work with this adapter. Too bad the App is ALL in CHINESE! Funny thing is that It exists also in GooglePlay, but as it is in Chinese and is not compatible with any of my phones, I only found long after meeting on the internet. Who have the same problem can download APK from this link.
The software is all in Chinese, and there seems to be no version even in English. You must press the + to add devices.
In the list you can find codes for TV, Air conditioning, DVD & cameras. Will be same cameras?
The list of manufacturers is in Chinese, IE, with the phonetic syllabary translation. Click in to Samsung and 三星 东芝 for toshiba. Interesting that they left LG even.
When you select Toshiba (东芝) appear four variations of remote control. When I pressed the power on all my TV worked! You must leave the cell volume at most to work!
Horrible fact that the software is only in Chinese. There are other adapt, but not yet tested if the software This other work with my adapter. It was an adventure that didn't quite work, but those who want to try for yourself can follow the links below, for this and other similar adapters found in DealExtreme.
This adapter – http://www.dx.com/p/universal-mini-remote-controller-white-329718
Another adapter – http://www.dx.com/p/ucontrol-mini-ir-remote-control-w-3-5mm-jack-for-tv-air-conditioner-set-top-box-green-353273
Another adapter (only for iPad and iPhone) – http://www.dx.com/p/redeye-mini-universal-remote-adapter-for-iphone-ipod-touch-ipad-106254
I have one here that I bought in alliexpress not have that design and did not come with box, but I would like to test the APP did not come 'cause nothing.
This gave her invalid link.
Mine is the kind that looks like a led with a little plastic around 1 cm.
I can no longer find the app. Try downloading apps from other adapters. Who knows does not work?