This small, cheap WiFi adapter is very handy. Simply works as a client or WiFi router, connected to a PC USB.
Inside the package a CD with drivers, the adapter and a manual in CHINESE. But the TudoVemdaChina reveals the workings of any Chinese product! Don't worry!
The adapter is this down there. Less than my wireless keyboard USB receiver!
When connecting, the functioning as a client is instantaneous, like any WiFi dongle in windows new. In other words, If your computer does not have WiFi network, passes to receive WiFi signal without the need for drivers.
To act as a router is no need to install the software that comes with the CD. I sent this software for 4Shared as a precaution, in case someone lost the CD.
After installing the software, Click with the right button on the icon below:
You will then have the options “switch to AP mode”, “STA Switch to AP Mode” and “Launch Config Utility”. Click “Switch to AP mode”. Interesting that there are parts of the software in Portuguese!
To switch to AP mode the USB adapter will act as a router. To configure it click at the location indicated by the red arrow inside of the LB-LINK:
Type in the SSID network name box and enter the name of the WAN ICS network adapter of your computer that receives internet traffic. Then click the red arrow which means “next”.
Select the channel and click on the red arrow. Very rarely USB adapters allow you to change the WiFi channel! Very cool! Read more about the WiFi channel in this text.
Choose the WiFi password and click on the red arrow. Leave the configuration Rekey for a high number, type 3000.
When you finish configuring everything should be working. If there is no internet in WiFi mini router, enable the configuration shown below in the network options of connection that receives the internet. In my case it's Ethernet configuration should enable internet sharing. Disable windows Firewall also.
I liked the Range of WiFi. For a very small adapter like this, until that goes a long way. Here at home there was a little sign in the room, Although the mini router was in the room with several walls on the way. I leave the link to 4Shared with drivers, the link to the product on the site and a FAQ from TinyDeal manufacturer in case anyone needs better instructions.
Drivers –
Product –
Manufacturer FAQ's –
Other similar products in the DX – usb router
Good night, I did the installation of the drive and the tray icon is hidden and appears a hint “B-LINK iEEE 802.11 wlan does not exist” you know what can be? in Device Manager it is there installed correctly. Thank you.
I bought also the Jiayu G5s, I'm waiting to get.
Since my G5 toumou a drop and the display was bad,bought another display waiting to get.
What the hell. I'm glad that it never occurred to me!
Adriano you know?
Mini 3 g Wi-Fi Wireless Router Repeater w/ 1800 mAh Power Bank Function
I bought 4, just not tried yet set to Repeater, you would help me if possible is.
Since I'm already very grateful.
I don't know. When you get, do a review and leave your comment!
I bought 3 This WiFi USB adapter or Router client LB-link BL-WN151
and 2 This portable infrared Thermometer
Becoming a future Mr. Tudovemdachina…