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CC3000 WiFi adapter for Arduino

For those not familiar, the Arduino is a low cost interface and open source specially designed for simplifying the prototyping and develop programming and electronic learning. There is a plethora of optional, also known as Shields, for this platform.

Adapters Ethernet for Arduino, for example, are very cheap and allows access to the network and internet via cable. Shields WiFi, However, are expensive. This one below is one of the most simple and inexpensive, the CC3000 WiFi Breakout.


The Board is simple and certainly much more than I should, about of 30 and few dollars. Has 9 connectors and the power may be made with 3.3 or 5V.


The link is pretty easy. The manufacturer warns just not connect both feeds at the same time. The pinouts and instructions for use can be found This link site.

For the link below I used a Arduino Uno and a Breadboard, In addition to jumper wire.


To work with the Arduino must download the SFE CC300 library. Just download this file and inflate to the directory libraries within Arduino in program files x 86. For that, logically, you have to have an arduino (UNO, Nano, Mega or other) and install the IDE that can be downloaded this link.

The pinout is also recorded in the sample programs library feedback.


There is an example program called Board Test that shows the MAC address and the firmware version. That's what you should run first to test the pin position is right.


Then you can run a program called Scan, to search for WiFi networks. As there is no antenna, the Board has a bad reception.


Tested the connection to my WiFi network and it worked. Received IP, DNS and Gateway without problems.


Is there an APP from the manufacturer which allows remote configuration of the plate. I found it very convoluted to download, so I leave here a link for those interested.


The plate has a memory that keeps the network and password settings for a fast connection, no need to reenter within the program. There is also support for Web Client. I couldn't find any native support for web Server, but I'm still looking to see. I leave below links from DealExtreme for the Arduino Uno and C3000 WiFi Breakout:

CC3000 WiFi Breakout

Arduino Uno

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

One comment

  1. For those interested in this module, I was able to also use the ADAFRUIT library, with many more options:

    You just have to change the configuration of the pins in the lines below. This is the correct configuration:

    #define ADAFRUIT_CC3000_IRQ 2
    #define ADAFRUIT_CC3000_VBAT 7

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