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Home / Appliances / Gree air conditioning of 7000 BTU GJ7-12 l/D

Gree air conditioning of 7000 BTU GJ7-12 l/D

With the summer approaching Rio bought this brand of Gree air conditioning 7000 BTU. My mother-in-law has one of these in a year working perfectly, which led me to believe that the brand is not bad.

The box comes with this protective foam which I took to place to isolate the air conditioning at caixonete.

See the opening to remove the filter from the side of the equipment. On the right we have electrical information about equipment, you need only to 6.7 and 0.7 KW. h for cooling.

This model receives “The” in efficiency by Inmetro. It's quite economical, so much so that the plug is small type model (thinner) up to 10A. In other words, even the starting chain should be low.

The sink in the back is all made of metal, logically, as well as any box.

The front panel has all the commands for use even without the remote control. The air conditioning has a system that reminds the user to clean the filter. After cleaning you must press the "filter". You can change, both via remote control as the Panel, the temperature of the environment, the speed of the ventilation and sleep function.

Even in standy-by the air conditioning will show the room temperature. There is also a guidance control of ventilation at the top, only manual.

The remote control is small and has all the functions of the Panel. Pressing any key the air conditioner takes about 1 to 2 seconds to respond, possibly to avoid any mechanical problem caused by abrupt changes of operation.

Is a great air conditioning, but it's pretty hard to find in the market. On the internet only if you think on eBay and in stores is as difficult as. Bought mine at Sam's Club of Niteroi (Rio de Janeiro), the only place where there is still stock for now. I leave you the links of two price comparison services, hoping that soon more stores come back to sell this air conditioning.–gree-gj7-12l-d-janela-7000-btus-frio.html

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.


  1. Anderson Manoel

    I would like to know how to reset mine because I'm on the controller and it's off every ten minutes I can't remove this function

  2. Good night, all well?

    I bought this model brand new and it was working fine until it got stuck, the temperature did not go down or up, I didn't turn it off, I had to unplug.
    Now turn on, light up all the leds and then just show 87.

    Does anyone know it could be?

    I thank you.

  3. Cynthia Caputo Macedo do Espírito Santo

    Hello, it burns in Fahrenheit, correct? I'm loving mine, I got it as a gift

  4. I am for God's love on the beach and my room is with Liz flashing but the button is broken and the control does not have me ajudemnmmm

  5. Felipe Machado

    where it is the drain?

  6. Someone could tell me how and what I do to reset the air conditioning?? After I put in temperature 60 in the case and smaller and it goes 82 .. It is not in the 60 you are welcome.

  7. I tô.com the key filter blinking.. I could not reset..

  8. I have a Gree air equal to this 07 years, really a very good device. Missed talking about the possibility of keeping the water outlet closed, to improve the cooling of the fins and consequently its efficiency.. That's why he comes with de.uma output and a watertight rubber, that when used if note the sound of water in the fins.
    Unfortunately I don't remember how to do it and I am not able to delete the filter cleaning light.

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