Purchases very small drill bits, for printed circuit board for example, It's quite difficult here in Brazil. But in the Dealextreme, for example, This set of 20 high speed steel drills good cheap, and comes 20 with different sizes between 0.3 and 1.6 mm.
To save these very thin drills there is a special case.
To remove the bit you want you must slide the case up to the hole marked.
If you completely open the Burs can go out and get lost! Are very small!
See that little box has an appointment with the drill sizes. Has 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45 and so on!
Very nice set, though I'm not sure yet if all will hold jobs. Come back here if I find out. For now I leave the link to the product purchased in the Dealextreme: