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USB light

Be fooled again? Was my question when I bought this USB light. The answer is: YES!

The photo on the site, It seemed like the whole cable illuminate while charging the phone or tablet, but that's not what happens. We have only a high-brightness led on each side, leaving the lighted ends.

MicroUSB side, shown in the photo below, We have a high-brightness led. You can see the flasher circuit!

The cable is well made and has good quality. At least that I didn't wrong!

See that only both ends are lit in green, Besides Flash also in red and orange. The cable carries the light, Maybe in total dark have this illusion…

That's good, not only does the buyer WINS in China, and this was an example. I leave the link for anyone who wants to buy the cable and draw your own conclusions:

This cable – http:///p/lighting-usb-to-micro-usb-spring-charging-data-cable-green-40cm-240602

Other cables – http:///c/cell-phone-599/cables-chargers-502

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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