To give an extra gas in some of my Chinese device I bought this solar emergency charger.
This is a device that you carry in your computer's USB and anytime is able to reload, without being connected to the electric power, devices such as cell phones, tablets and notebooks.
On the side it is the output for charging devices (OUT), power input (In), a led flashlight and a voltage selector 4.8, 5.2, 8.4 to 9V. Use the lower voltages for charging cell phones and tablets, and the tensions higher for netbooks and notebooks. I found a little dangerous that the user select, But if you know what you're doing, beauty. Whenever you turn off the charger and turn on again it comes back selected with 4.8 V, the typical voltage of most USBs.

Comes with adapters to charge most phones. The old Nokia, iPhones, those different connectors and also the typical mini and micro Usb.
It also opens to load with solar energy, but I never really tested. Put a time on the window and he flashed, but I'm not sure if solar power really load of truth.
It does not work for a long time. He is able to charge my cell phone and left a little load to another device. My tablet he can't fully charge of 0 to 100%. This battery charger is 4200mAh, but I think his ability is exaggerated.

Comes with a scholarship to the charger or accessories, It is interesting to use in trip, even if the aim is load plugged in.

I came to make a video about the product, see all:
For those who want to check out, bought in a promotion at DXoffers. The link is down: