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Transmitter for wireless charger base Iq

To test the wireless Inductive charging bought this charger Iq shown below. The technology allows one to carry cell phones or wireless tablets, only the supporting the product below. The funny thing is the phrase in good “Engrish” that promises “In long cramped by wire”.

The technology, call Qi, It's a cool idea. It is possible to adapt several cell phones while others have native support. Read the text where I described a adaptation to Qi the phones X 2 and the Samsung Galaxy UMI S3 .

There's the box contents:

When connected to a source, the Iq charger lights an led blue crush, flashing a cell phone case is being loading.

On the side, almost hidden, We have a power switch.

On the back there is a USB output for use as wired charger and microUSB DC input.

Look at the test I did with this transmitter Qi and with the Iq receiver installed on my UMI X 2.

I couldn't find any problem with this transmitter. Works as it should. When you put a cell phone that has wireless charging support, the transmitter makes a beep to indicate the beginning of the load. Who want to test the technology can buy this transmitter in DealExtreme, from the link below:

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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