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Home / Audio / Car MP3 with USB input, card, Line, FM and rechargeable battery (WITH VIDEO)

Car MP3 with USB input, card, Line, FM and rechargeable battery (WITH VIDEO)

As my son loves shopping carts and your box MP3, I decided to combine them and I bought this red car with MP3 player. Has micro SD card input, USB port and rechargeable battery.


The stroller comes with a P2-P2, It also has an Online entry, and a miniUSB cable to recharge.


It's really nice!


It has four buttons on the back to change the music and volume, switching on and off and change the source between USB, Card, FM and LineIN.


On the back the USB input to load looks a bit like the leakage. Also notice the USB connector and microSD card input.




One more photo of front!


The wheels to move, but he's not, It's just a beautiful speaker.


On the back we have the speaker output and the battery compartment.


The battery is a BL-5 c nokia phones. Mine came Middle bloated, but it was buy one here in Brazil even. It also has the BL-5 c Roadster in DealExtreme.


The display on the back shows the music time, volume and number of songs.


And turn on the lights, as I had commented.


Lights including, with various colors!


I recorded a video, take a look at:

I liked, but I ended up giving me bad because I found here in Brazil for 30 real street vendor. With the dollar rising sometimes found some stuff stuck with good price here. For those who want to buy, I leave the link:

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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