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Home / House / Shower Lorenzetti Advanced Turbo (WITH VIDEO)

Shower Lorenzetti Advanced Turbo (WITH VIDEO)

Your House has low pressure? So this shower of Lorenzetti promises to be the solution to take a bath that is not “of cat”. Too bad they don't give out very well.

The Advanced Turbo, like product name “tabajara”, has a pressurizer to increase the volume of water. Got everything to work fine, Although it has some design flaws.

Dismantling equipment in three parts: the base, shown in the picture below, the resistance and the plastic nozzle of the shower.

The base has a plugin for the resistance to be exchanged more easily, without the need to remove the base from the wall. In the picture below we have three connectors of the resistance.

The big problem here is that the pipe threaded shower base, connecting the water outlet, It's too short and totally stuck on plastic base. This means that to fit this shower you must rotate the entire base in the pipe from the wall, which is hard to do. As you are required to put the shower to 90 degrees of wall, Sometimes it is not possible to give one last turn around that would guarantee the grip. Maybe the only way not to leak water is even with veda Board.

The resistance is really easy to be exchanged. Point to the project in this case.

There's the fully connected resistance:

Then simply insert the plastic part of the shower itself. There is a control of temperature and pressure at the bottom of the base. Easily accessible in the shower.

This is the end result. This shower be a bit long and I might end up getting a little off-center relative to the box.

Exactly for being long and because pipe that is inside the wall is too short, the shower ends up being a bit tumbled down.

Detail of the control of temperature and pressure:

I recorded a video of the shower running. Check it out:

I didn't much like this shower. A big thing that does not heat enough water, Maybe just a little better than most conventional electric showers. I leave the link below for those who want to learn more about the Advanced Turbo of Lorenzetti:

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.


  1. Ilzaneti Cross

    Hi Adriano…I have one of those…so I broke the barrel of the shower and I wonder if the change to the barrel…and where should I bring

  2. Ilzaneti Cross

    Hello Adriano I have one of those and now I broke the barrel shower …It will be who is to replace the pipe…because I like the shower and it was not cheap…where I have to take to see.

  3. Elizane Soares Camargo

    My since I bought does not leave water, I have to leave it on and go do something else to be able desser water and when I unplug it seems ta connected is dripping. And the water in the rest of the house is strong, then it is not the water but the shower sucks, ta when the water does not heat fresquinho

  4. Hello, I have a shower this Advanced, but I had to put a stretcher in the barrel shower (the same as the thread was embedded within the wall). So, installing the shower, threading as much as possible, still got a gap between the shower and the wall of a 2 cm. This is due to the use of the stretcher, but I wonder if there are on the market some sort of solution / finish to solve this case, it was with a strange look (for example, The same occurred here with finish discharge, but I bought and installed a ring and so there was more going). Thank you

  5. Its off this pressurizer? Here's a shower of these, but who knows how much you spend this pressurizer. Turning in the cold or hot, You have to be using that shit. As far as I know, pressurizer is for those who have water pressure problem, as apartment dwellers, and this is not my case. It is an unnecessary expense for those who do not use it.

  6. I have two in my apartment, and a month of use, the two are already leaking water behind, on the wall. We've already had but to no avail. A shower TRASH.

  7. I have one installed in my bathroom,but when retreat to do cleaning, because water is a little rusty and ends up clogging the holes;to put back is hell!! Follow the instructions,but does not fit at all!!!!
    Someone here can help me??

    • I'll leave here a little wisdom: ALL electric showers suck. Even the old all-metal that does not do more.

  8. To the problem of resistances burning there is only one exit, every time you turn on the shower or so finished bathing put the key in the off position, what happens is that with the drip drip chamber is empty, almost all water comes out and when we turn on the shower to light resistance without water, soon, burned, ligand in the off position fills the chamber, then positioning the key in the chosen temperature, absurd but just so to be resistance in this type of shower.

    • Bonehead manufacturer, because the shower has a camera that only closes the resistor circuit if water. But the manufacturers do not care much about the working life of equipment.

  9. I have a shower jet turbo multitemperaturas and lorenzetti turbo mode no fires but he warms up normal but has no middle ground or too hot or cold to warm.

  10. Maria Eugenia de souza Oliveira

    I just bought a lorenzetti advanced turbo electronics 5500W. Yes came water but don't worry turbinado, in super hot is warm, But if you close the water you can take a warm bath with little water, for that so this shower serves? only for summer I.

  11. I have 3 (three) Advance Turbo showers installed in my house, Notice that what damages often is resistance connector, Although the resistance is in perfect state of conservation.
    Wonder: where can I purchase, only, the connector? Some 100 (one hundred) Maybe because the deterioration of the connector is very often.
    I'm awaiting a statement via my Email.
    Very grateful,
    John Pascoe

  12. I wonder if anyone knows how to access the inner area of the temperature key Lorenzetti Advanced Turbo, I'm having the same problem, only works on high, as for the fact be dripping that is easy to solve, just put a plastic clamp on the showerhead hose fitting on the body of the shower, Goodbye drip drip.

  13. Call this fucking shit is little ! You have to leave the water running for at least 15 to 20 minutes for the turbo begins to operate ! When I bought it I went to the store to exchange for this reason. But the second was with the same problem. Then I switched again – the third came with the same problem.
    Unfortunately the store wouldn't exchange more and not take back. Then I'd have to have a lot of work to go to the PROCON or filing an action – does not pay the costs of time and money for a product of about R $ 200,00

  14. My shower advanced turbo takes to trigger the turbo is normal

  15. Jefferson Maximilian dos santos

    Hi good evening I have a shower lorezitte advance so he does not have a month q direiito nhem eiu bought and just not worry more q I was wondering if you guys can help me
    Since already thank you….

  16. My shower this model only works at maximum temperature (that is hot), When I select the other temperatures it shuts down. Does anyone know how to solve this?

  17. Roberta Moretti

    Hello, Good afternoon!!!
    I've been reading the messages above and I confess to be a little scared!! kkkk
    I bought this shower but I'm still not using, because I'm done with the details of my work!!

    I have a question!
    This shower consumes a lot of energy???
    He doesn't sweat it right???

  18. Silvia Mendes

    Hi, I have at home a Corona – Mega shower – that water occurs through, where the parts fit, and out water by holes normal. I have how to repair?

  19. Dear, If the burn resistance, the water comes out of shower?
    Because my today stopped going out water.
    In other regular water faucets and the shower is not coming out.

  20. I bought a shower Evolution Turbo Electronics for my wife. The pressurizer works only after 15 to 20 minutes after the open shower. It's a beautiful mess of Lorenzetti. A brand as well-known should ensure your name. As I had already changed the first unit that had purchased due to not be working, I didn't want to waste any more time.

  21. I bought it and stopped heating way of knowing if his resistance burned because I took her and apparently looks normal!!!

    • Eduardo Ferreira

      Make sure there's no broken wire, Since the connector. The connector of this resistance usually break. I advise you to buy a new one and see if it will work, otherwise call an electrician, because you need a multimeter to test resistance.

  22. My husband bought this crap today, I HATED, makes a lot of noise and the design reminds me of a wall fan or a flying saucer that at any time will abduct me in the shower…gave up to fight here at home this curse there,,Finally I won and it's out of my bathroom, I prefer cold shower this ugly thing…

  23. Adianomm very useful your information! I live in a condo with little pressure and bought this shower 5 days, the problem is that it takes around ten minutes to start warming up the water resistance, before that she stays off, have any tips so you can solve it?



    I have this in the shower 2 bathrooms and tastes great. Leaves plenty of hot water and I live in Curitiba, When the water box almost freezes in winter.
    Now, oxidized resistance, you're not calling on maximum temperature, that's why I'm looking for how to change the resistance and/or open.
    Maybe the problem of such personnel is the flow of water from the own home, that is not enough. In my shower all the holes they leave water, different from the video shown.

  25. Antonio Ferreira Neto

    On the advanced turbo,I have in use for a long time,for me,It's still not the best,but the biggest problem is the heating element terminals,creates very corrosion,the terminals is very weak,don't hang on,always leaving me in the lurch,that's why I always have a resistance of recently

  26. the house burned down and shower as it was about time I asked my wife to buy one and what happened…. She bought this crap. 8500W and don't worry consumes anything and it makes a noise from loco…
    I'll see if I can change.

  27. James Pascal

    Hi Adriano! I follow your blog and I liked the posts. Congratulations!
    With respect to the shower… I had one of those, and now I bought a Mega pressurized Bath Corona. It's so much better. The pressurizer ensures a good volume of water, much bigger than the advanced. The only weakness of it is if you need to change the resistance, gotta take several screws and is much more complex than the Lorenzetti.

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