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Home / House / How to replace shower resistance Advanced Lorenzetti (WITH VIDEO)

How to replace shower resistance Advanced Lorenzetti (WITH VIDEO)

It's been a long time since I bought a shower Advanced Turbo Lorenzetti with pressurizer and I made up a "recenzie", about him. After a few years he burnt the resistance, and I want to show you how do to change!

Below the part you should buy, to resistance ever assembled in a plastic piece:


The resistance has three connectors and is very easy to change.


Look at the video I made by the Exchange:

The shower had ups and downs. A lot of people don't like him because he's too big and makes noise. In my opinion, He is a little more expensive in low pressure place worth! I leave below link to the shower and to the resistance:

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.


  1. Flávio Lima

    My only works level 3, it makes the noise ever. But levels 1 and 2 no noise or heats up. Knowing that the noise is the device which increases the pressure, does not heating levels 1 and 2 and not making noise may have burned the device to these levels?

  2. Rosangela Maria Tavares

    We exchanged Advance resistance, but it was dripping when you turn the temperature knob, It is to stop and have danger?

  3. Please inform me what is the name of the plug-in terminal of the resistance of the advanced model thanks in advance lorenzetti shower

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