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Home / Tools / Do it yourself (DIY) / 2.5 MHz fetal Doppler – listen to the baby's heart!

2.5 MHz fetal Doppler – listen to the baby's heart!

Maybe many still don't know but this blog very soon will have an heir! My son is born!

To hear the baby's heart inside the belly of the mother, as well as an ultrasound examination, I bought this Fetal doppler.

It comes with a doppler, a headset, a p2-p2 and a tube of conductive gel.

There is also a manual in English, but I didn't find very useful.

The idea is simple, Although not always work: First you put the conductive gel on the mother's belly and pull the appliance down listening to the headset.

Then you slide the unit looking for a heartbeat the baby. It's not very easy to find, because you don't know very well his position.

At the bottom of the unit there is a sensor and transmitter of ultrasound. When there is motion within the belly of the mother, as for example in the baby's heart, the ultrasound signal back to the receiver is different from the signal, What occurs because of Doppler effect. This difference is then amplified and fed to the headset.

There are two outputs for headphones, so you can hear the baby's heart along with his wife. I thought it best that she even looked up at baby, We found several times.

There is a volume control that you will use a lot because movement generates a lot of noise in the headset.

The device runs on two AAA batteries.

When the heart is found, the display will show the number of beats per second. This is import because the baby will have, certainly, a higher rate to 120 ~ the 130s. If a lower rate is found to 100 It is possible that the doppler is measuring the mother's heart.


The conductive gel tube is important to improve the signal reception. Just a quick but we bought a tube of 1 liter for only R$11,00.

Here I did a test showing that one can use the fetal doppler to find the beat of your own heart. Mine is 94bpm.

The baby is much larger, was this picture 144bpm.

The headphones of the fetal doppler are quite comfortable. Much better than the average Chinese headphones.

There is also a cable P2-P2 which I believe to be to feed the doppler signal to an amplifier.

The fetal doppler is totally safe, as well as an ultrasound the only problem, I have read on websites, is the mother getting worried for not finding the baby's heart, What can happen depending on the position of the fetus. If this occurs, don't worry, This is not a reliable equipment to reach any conclusion. Find your doctor!

I bought this doppler on Ebay, as I found in Chinese sites were very expensive. I leave the link to a search on Ebay: odkw = fetal doppler

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.


  1. As a rule to the pre Christmas, are indicated between four and five sessions of ultrasound throughout the period of pregnancy. This is justified by the fact that the waves emitted interfere directly in the fetus. The effect is similar to an aquarium, where the fish can suffer damage when exposed to frequent ' raids’ in the glass. In this case the curiosity of parents can harm the baby. So, use with moderation and common sense.

    • A little exaggerated concern. The Ultrasound is very low power (It runs on batteries!) and it is certainly much smaller and less powerful than the laboratories. My wife must have done some 10 ultras and used this unit a lot of times. We even took the doctor, I had one of these much more expensive! You can't get too much or press is using in the belly of the mother, logically…

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