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Diet with calorie counter MyFitnessPal

I'm doing a revolutionary diet! Lose weight now without suffering!

Actually, the diet is the same drug ever, IE, shut your mouth and eat less! Only now I decided to use this app for Android MyFitnessPal to register what I eat and let me know if I've been of the daily limit of calories, fats, sodium and other! Very cool!


One of the first things you should do is go to a nutritionist. The doctor will prescribe a correct and balanced diet for you. I can't recommend how many calories you should eat per day, or what is right to consume.

However, at your own risk, You can access the site MyFitnessPal/ on the internet, create an account, Click targets and fill out a form. In an instant the program will calculate how many calories you should consume per day. After that, the initial screen of the program will be as below. You then click Add food to record everything you eat and make sure you're following the right diet.


When you click ”Breakfast ”, for example, You can search for food in the database of the program. Any industrialized food, fruits and combinations are registered in the system. Not only the amount of calories, like sodium, calcium, fats and other data.


Want to eat Cereal for breakfast? Without problems! Just search and record how much you ate breakfast cereal.


If you eat a cereal bar during the day you can register it by using the bar code reader. Any commercial food has this barcode and so it's easy to register any snack.


By dragging your finger from left to right within the application appear daily options, nutrition, progress, goals and reminders. It's like a personal organizer that you eat!


My goal in MyFitnessPall site is reaching out to 89 kg. My current weight is 94, 4 kg and want to lose 1 kg per week. The website calculates the amount of calories and send to mobile.


You can weigh during the diet and register the measures in their own cell phone. So you can adjust the tempo of the diet as will losing weight, or not…


The MyFitnessPal has a screen like Facebook that lets you share the results of your diet. But that's a little weird…


You can turn off the news feed, If desired.


You can also ask for the phone warn if you forget to make the records:


On the site there is also a system of exercise guidance, should I use!


After logged foods you can see in these graphs the days where you have passed the limit of calories.


Besides the calories are also available data on cholesterol, calcium, potassium and vitamins.


Look at the bad guy always surpassing the sodium meta…


I really enjoyed the program. I'm using about 60 days and have already lost 10 kg. The diet is the same drug ever, but the help of the application a new energy to face the same old. I leave the link to the MyFitnessPal Web site and for the Android APP.

MyFitnessPal Android app

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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