I bought this soldering iron to do my DIY projects to buy from China. He gives it to the expense, nothing fantastic, but certainly better than those cheap us buy here in Brazil. The DealExtreme has the 127V model and 220V model, In addition to replacement soldering tips.
I quite liked the fact of being able to change the tip, When rust break or no longer working.
Comes with taking American model.
There is a temperature adjustment. I was only able to make it work with the temperature greater than 300 degrees. He comes to 450. When I went from 350, However, got the pretty black metal body.
All the metal part is removable, not only the tip.
The DX Forum staff reports that this iron will melt when left on for a long time. I left and hasn't melted. Must be an old version.
Anyone who wants to can look at a time lapse video I did riding a DIY clock with this soldering iron.
I think it was worth it. Hard to find a thin-tipped iron and adjustable temperature for this price. I bought also spare tips for change, When you reach I do a review. I leave the link to the product:
Model iron 110V – http://www.dx.com/p/60w-soldering-iron-with-variable-temperature-control-110v-ac-58371
Model iron 220V – http://www.dx.com/pt/p/60w-electronics-diy-welding-soldering-iron-black-blue-ac-220v-107764
Spare tips – http://www.dx.com/p/professional-900m-t-i-lead-free-soldering-iron-tips-silver-5-pcs-156152