You can't put all your tablets, cell phones and Flash drives on your computer at the same time? The solution is to buy a USB HUB like this below with seven doors:
I had already purchased another one of these hubs, but it was very slow and unreliable. This is USB 3.0, Although I have plugged in 2.0 even as I have no door of this newer format.
Each one of the USBs has a button to turn off and on, In addition to a power led.
It works powered by USB itself or by an external source. Recommend the external source if you want to use for charging cell phones or tablets.
Comes with a USB cable 3.0 vintage, Although I have chosen to use in 2.0 anyway.
The source seems simple, certainly won't hold if I decide to reload a lot of devices.
When connected, the HUB is looking like this:
Is a pretty fast because I didn't understand, using a flash drive, any speed difference between the HUB and the ports of my computer. Of course using multiple devices at the same time there will be obviously performance loss. I bought this HUB in DealExtreme, It also has several other options of this type. I leave the link: