Problem with the carrier router WiFi can be solved with this cheap router, bought by R$69,90 in any home and video or lojas americanas: the Intelbras WRN150. You can also buy Chinese WiFi routers, that can be even cheaper, fast and more power.
He says he has power 250mW, What is really quite good.
Inside the box we have the router, the source, a network cable, a manual and a CD.
There is the router. Small and simple.
There is a sticker saying “Insert the CD before the cables”. What nonsense. Or CD drive I have…
Maybe the reason is the IP address that he chose for the router, which is strangely My main router is, so maybe this is the reason. Who does not know anything about network could have confused.
Access to modem, via browser, It's cute and very easy to use. The user's password “Admin” is “Admin”. Without the quotes.
Nothing too amazing on settings. I liked the band control system.
WiFi configuration is simple too.
Strangely the next security configuration disabled. Boat soon WPA2…
There's forward port configuration.
I liked the power and ease of configuration. Or used CD or anything, was calling, Configure and run. Recommend to anyone who is having problems with the carrier router WiFi. I leave below link to the Google Shopping and for Chinese routers, for those who want more speed and power:
Chinese WiFi Routers – router