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Home / Tools / Female-female jumper for electronic projects

Female-female jumper for electronic projects

Each person has his hobby. If you, just like me, She loves to explore the vast world of electronics and its endless possibilities, certainly have a protoboard to assemble and “play” with its circuits, but there are times when you need to connect your circuit to something external to the protoboard and welding is an unnecessary and “radical”. What to do then?

A good solution are those Female-female connectors, that can be found on the website Dealextreme by $ $4,90, the package with 50 (in my case 51, come one more loose). Jumpers come in a Pack just for them, wrapped in a rubber band.

Seem to be of good quality, come in 5 different colors and possess a strong colour, are well also resistant (even if you pull as if to break them in two parts).

They have a length of 20 cm and can easily be cut like any other wire, in order to “Customize” your own cable as needed. The amount that comes you probably will not need to buy more for a boooommm time.

Product video:

Product link: cm-length-55454

About Fabricio Sander

Electronic and Computer Engineering student at the Escola Politecnica - UFRJ. Ex-student of Electronics Technician CEFET/RJ

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