I bought these two 8W LED lamps for about $ 5 each. Worked great. Really liked it, the format is similar to the glass fluorescent lamps.
There are two lamps. The glass is frosted!
Both lamps work at 127V or 220V. There are white and yellow version.
I really liked the lamp, Although one of them have broken. I leave below link to the product:
http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?u = 757731&b = 369006&m = 38570&afftrack =&urllink =
Hi Adriano, all well ?
On average, How long does it take to get the requests MADE IN CHINA ?
I took the “hook” < a href = "http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=sk&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.sk&sl=en&u=http://www.tudovemdachina.com/en/como-configurar-uma-camera-ip-wifi/&usg=ALkJrhhqrPzb1oZDRmR9GWXsTFWzCm1mbQ" > here , in January bought something cheap, measuring voltage and amperage of the USB port and to this day have not received, still within ?
A while ago, recebi um email dizendo que foi postado e até agora nada 🙁 .
If you have not yet arrived to claim your money back. At the moment, is taking some 3 months.