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Wide angle lens for mobile phones

If you have an iPhone then there are thousands of possible Chinese accessories. Difficult is to find something that is universal and adaptable to any cell phone, as is the case of this wide angle lens, that vinside this bag:

On the inside we have a preacher type of clothes and accessory lens.

The lens is screw-the preacher.

Detail of the lens, that has a plastic protective cover.

As shown in the picture below, This lens promises to 0.67 X Wide.

The lens is threaded on easily preacher.

A great lens angular makes it possible to take a picture with the appearance below:

Without lens, the photo would look like this:

Well cheap and pretty cool to take different photos of landscapes. Although it is written on the site that serves for iPhone, iPad and Samsung Galaxy, probably will serve in any phone which can hold the preacher. I leave the link to the DealExtreme where I bought this relic:,864

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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