All MacGyver of Chinese products should own one of these glasses with lenses and lighting. You never know what the product will come broken!
Quite comfortable, each lens can be rotated to stand in front of the eyes or off up. See one of the lenses in detail below:
Each side has a rather strong white LED, It works using CR1620 batteries also used in watches.
In the detail of the photo below right side LED is lit. Both can be enabled or disabled individually.
The only thing I didn't like was the lens. The focal length is too short and see if there's something you have to put your glasses too close to that if you want to watch.
In detail below the part that fits into the eyes:
It's not a bad product, especially considering that costs only 7 dollars and little.
In the image below left a five-cent coin next to the Magnifier, about 1 cm. You can see the detail “AVO” the coin and the year (2012).
A very useful product to fix a lot of things that we purchase in China. For those interested I leave the link: