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Front panel with 8 USB ports

Had recently purchased a front panel card reader. Now, to complete, I bought another only with front panel USBs.

It has good quality, In addition to more ports that surely will need. In the box we have the Panel and four screws.

There are the Panel with its eight ports.

Installation is simple. Put the Panel in place of the old “floppy” floppy disks, Insert the source connector and the two USB connectors on the motherboard.

I had to make a change on this front panel. The USB connector on the motherboard, where are plugged into these front panels, It has two doors, one on each side of the connector. Originally this Panel has two USB connectors, Although each of them has only wires using only one side of the connector, IE, only one door. What I did was remove the wires of one of the connectors and put in the empty space on the other. So I use only one connector on the motherboard and everything works.

Below the dashboard of my PC, with the card reader and the eight-port front panel.

A good product. I tested the speed of reading with a pendrive and I don't see any difference to the other USB ports on my computer. Of course if you use all the doors there will be reduction in speed, but for mouse, keyboard and an occasional USB no problem. Leave link to the store Banggood.

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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