For some time now I've been wanting to buy this digital caliper. I took advantage of a promotion at Focalprice website.
It comes in a plastic box and with an extra LR44 battery.
All metal, with the exception of the electronic circuit, causes the meter to be pretty tough.
On the front there are three buttons: a to turn off and on, another to zero out the measurement at any point and another to change millimeters to inches. The lowest measured value is 0,01 mm.
To measure you close completely the caliper and push the ZERO button to zero the measurement. After the caliper to put what you want to measure yourself. In the figure below I am measuring the thickness of a dime 10 cents: 2,17 mm.
The currency of 50 cents is thicker: 2,73 mm.
Someone knew the 1 real is thinner? Are only 1,82 mm.
You can measure up to 15 cm. Care must be taken with the metal part as it is very sharp.
It is also possible to measure distance counter, between two surfaces, for example.
There is also a depth gauge, as shown below:
Bought in Focalprice on promotion of products, for just US a fare of 9.90. The regular price is U $16,90. I leave the link down there: