I use many of these clamps in various facilities. Use also to arrange cabling and even to other crazy frames. So, I decided to buy soon 500 parts!
The latch is 3 mm wide by 200 mm long. It's very small and unobtrusive, exactly what I wanted. This is the model in which they shove the flat side on the head and is something.
Cabling example stuck with this clip. After secure can cut the excess with pliers.
A good product! I'm going to buy more of other sizes as it is very practical for any electrical installation. I leave the link to the DealExtreme:
Text template – http://www.dx.com/p/yds-200-3-x-200 mm-self-locking-nylon-white-500pcs-299,419
Other models – http://www.dx.com/s/cable tie