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Home / Tools / Do it yourself (DIY) / Thermo-retractable Protector for remote control

Thermo-retractable Protector for remote control

If your remote controls are dirty with fingerprints is time to buy a Cape, or better yet, one of these Thermo-retractable protectors.

This package, selling of DealExtreme, comes with five thermal bags for remote control. Instructions for use completely in Chinese, for the strong!

But is it comes easy to use. Place the remote control inside the bag and fold the top left making a tab. Let the control infrared on the rounded bottom.

Then just use a hairdryer to the plastic bag retracts fully to take the form of remote control. Replace the batteries with new ones and good quality before this process, as for replacing the battery you have to remove the bag and put another.

The result is perfectly suited to any control, big or small. You can barely see in the picture below, but the plastic bag is applied in control.

Below a large remote control a sony TV with the Thermo-protector retractable. The only part that is good is the bottom, where has the opening of the plastic bag. Normally I put some tape cellophane tape to secure better.

I made a video showing the placement of the protector. Check it out:

Those interested in the product here I leave the link. It costs less than two dollars and comes with five protectors: pack-103,542

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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