I've never bought watches in China, Despite the Dealextreme has a huge selection of them. I ended up buying This in BuyinCoins. I really enjoyed! Is of good quality and price.
The bracelet is very good and the watch seems pretty sturdy.
Has three indicators, one of days of the week, one of seconds and one that doesn't understand. Maybe moon phases? I know there…
Looks pretty durable.
Comes with Ohsen markings, a Chinese brand of fine watches.
The bracelet has metal frame. Well resistant.
It's pretty cute, too. It has four buttons, Light to access the backlight, mode, start and reset.
The backlight can change color to red.
To blue, Yellow, Green, cyan and magenta. You can also Flash all colors.
Very good watch, Although the street vendor possibly would be the same price. I leave the link to the buyincoins:
This watch – http://www.buyincoins.com/item/44448.html
Other – http://www.dx.com/s/ohsen
I'm thinking of buying a watch from there, but I wanted a mechanic. If anyone has a link to a good seller to indicate, I appreciate it
Has several in dealextreme…
http://www.dx.com/s/Mechanical+watch? Utm_rid = 32082367&Utm_medium = affiliate