This is a very interesting product: a display for reverse camera that serves as mirror.
Actually, display input is composite video signal. In other words, You can put anything you want.
There's the rearview mirror. It's not as reflective as a conventional mirror, but you can definitely use regularly. The central part, where is the display, It's a bit less reflective.
The Red connector is the power input (12V). The white and yellow connectors are two independent entrances of video. For two different cameras!
You do not need to remove your rear-view mirror to install this. just snap it in these two clips. Is tight. On the back there are three buttons to access a menu and change brightness, contrast and color.
Comes with this cable to connect the power supply, IE, the car battery.
There's the rearview display working. Put in input a camera also suitable for cars.
See that in the display there is info on the position of the car (Green lines). It should be, Obviously, have to adjust the camera so that it is centered. In this picture I am also doing brightness adjustment.
How do I change the car soon, I'm thinking of installing this camera in the new, not to give work to put on and remove the entire contraption in the old car. Anyway, seemed a good product, just a bit expensive. I leave below the link to the store Bangood:
Other mirrors with camera in DealExtreme: camera
O meu ficou bem estranho, liguei a câmera no fio positivo e negativo da lampada de ré, porem o retor visor la dentro só funcionou quando liguei o negativo junto ao polo negativo da luz interna. no caso o fio positivo do cabo de alimentação ficou isolado, funcionou porem ficou confuso, o manual de instalação deveria ser mais bem detalhado.
Hello, u know if these generic cameras all have shadowing? For the cars that come standard they are all well and it would be strange u see an obstacle on the right side of the display, but in fact it is on your left (after the camera is pointed back).
I installed above the rearview but the image appears “flashing” intermittently. Everything was installed as manual. What may have occurred?
mine was also flashing… Any solution??
Bad connection? Perhaps the video input is poorly connected.
Mine was also blinking.
The battery power cable it is connected in the rearview mirror or camera?
Both of us!
The camera using the power cable of the reverse light.
And the same RCA cable that will signal to the rear, the red wire, that goes along the RCA cable, follows the power cord is connected to the mirror and.
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