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Home / Android / Cellphones / Samsung gt-5830c S5830 Galaxy ACE

Samsung gt-5830c S5830 Galaxy ACE

I present to you one of the most durable phones from Samsung: the Galaxy ACE.

The ACE is designed to be cheap, therefore does not have very high specifications. The CPU is only 800 MHz with a 200 MHz GPU.

Galaxy ACE models sold in the USA come with Gorilla Glass protection, but note that this does not happen here in Brazil (as you can see by the scratches in the first picture). Whoever has the model here must buy a protective film to prevent scratches. Detail of the picture below where Note-If the protection of the micro-USB connector used to recharge the phone and access the files on the PC.

The camera is 5MPixels, What seems common to all phones nowadays. There are also Flash and autofocus. On the side we have the volume control buttons of the Android phones.

On the other side the power button and the memory card.

This phone was purchased in a carrier store Alive, so there is this inconvenient input screen. I think it's possible to modify without Root access, and in the latter case you can install another screen locking system. Why carriers do that with your users?


The bad news is that the ACE even comes with the Android Gingerbread installed, that does not have an interface as cool as the ICS. In addition, the android browser 2.3 It's too bad. Recommend installing opera mini for navigation.


The home screen looks a bit like the ICS, being a lot faster than 800 MHz phones only a core. I think the choice of Gingerbread facilitated the search for speed.


On the home screen have an irritating Live logo. But this is easy to remove, It's just a Widget.

When we access the menu showing all programs it is clear the face of Android 2.3.

In the settings of the phone have the colorful menu typical of the Androids from samsung.

Below the operating system specification: Android 2.3.6.

Before I forget, This phone has WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G and GPS.

Below the battery use. I took this picture to show how easily you can spend idle battery on your phone. The user left open the photo gallery and the application consumed a lot of load.

The Dialer is very ugly, as with all ancient androids. They couldn't improve it, Unfortunately.

The battery leaves something to be desired, only 1300mAh. This will force you to load the phone all day even with low usage. A pity that the major manufacturers have not yet realized that some investment in a larger battery will let the user happier.

In the picture below we have the location of the chip carrier.

The Galaxy ACE worth? That's good, with the 600 real needed to buy it would be possible to purchase a dual core phone in China with best camera, larger screen, more RAM and space for applications. But of course there is no guarantee of quality of Samsung brand. I had Samsung phones which have defect after a year, but one has to admit that a Chinese brand phone has more chance to give problem.

I still prefer the Chinese phones brands Jiayu, Zopo, HTC, Huawei and others: are cheaper and better. But some people like a branded phone to make nice to friends. Those interested in Galaxy ACE and their accessories, I left a list of links under there:


Price comparison in Buscapé –

Cell phone being sold in Casas Bahia –

PVC cover for Galaxy ACE – http:///p/protective-pvc-case-cover-for-samsung-galaxy-ace-s5830-gray-59533

Back cover for Galaxy ACE –http:///p/replacement-battery-back-cover-for-samsung-galaxy-ace-s5830-black-116786

Extra capacity battery extended – http:///p/replacement-1500mah-2450mah-batteries-for-samsung-galaxy-ace-s5830-black-2-pcs-181259


About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.


  1. friend like you the display for my is equal to this that you are showing in the pictures …..
    the display is straight on the Board ….

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