I had already spoken about This other plastic holder, but he recently broke and I bought this other, It's gray. It came in a box that was totally crushed by the post office.
This is the result of two months of transport without any care. If you buy a tablet or mobile phone in China do not forget to ask the store to pack carefully. The post office in Brazil and China are extremely violent with the packages.
Despite the package completely wrinkled, the product came straight. I bought two and both came without defects.
There is a plastic glued to the media not to scratch. Amazing how this product cheap has concern with scratches and other more expensive come without any protection.
There are two sides where you can support tablets for reading or watching movies. One side has an angle closer to 90 and another as close to 45.
See how a tablet is well supported. This tablet is the Orange TB7800 I haven't done a review…
For tablets, this is a great accessory. I leave the link to the gray version below, purchased in DealExtreme.
Pretty cool this support, like the more simple and functional. I bought here in Brazil even a lot good, is a line called Anypad and I able to use my ipad as if it were a bought pc support's House (http://www.casadosuporte.com.br/ch/index.aspx) , really liked it so I let the tip!
Cheers man!