You know those shops that expose cell phones and tablets in plastic holders? You can buy these directly from China to the delight of those who, just like me, has a lot of knickknacks scattered on the table. Look how cool this holder holding my tablet Vx610W Wave.
Serves for tablets of virtually any size or cell phones.
Often use to watch videos or even to leave the equipment carrying. It is very practical to use the tablet on the table.

Below show the support holding a GPS 5 inches.

There are two angles of support, a around 45 and another closer to 60 degrees.

Now my phone ZTE V880 in a comfortable position for watching videos or leave installing something time-consuming.

I bought two of these brackets but in one of them still did not take the plastic protection against scratches. Funny that many phones or tablets, Chinese do not have any protection against scratches but this manufacturer of plastic holder concerned with this. Will understand…

I leave here the link to this support. Bought in Dealextreme. Is not so cheap as well but it's a good product.