As I have a lot of Arduínos and sensors, often I need wires to connect them and do my projects. I bought then a lot of them! Two packages of 200 threads-male>female 20 cm and three packs of 68 male-coloured yarn>Male of various sizes.
Below we have the male-wires>Female, they serve well for connecting sensors and other cards to Arduino.
Are threads of good quality that won't break or warp easily.
These below are the colored wires-Male>Male, serving well to connect the Arduino to a BreadBoard or ProtoBoard.
Sizes and colors vary from 8 the 20 cm.
Good quality for your projects don't get bad contact.
I liked very much the wires, I've done several projects with them and no stopped working. I leave the link to the DealExtreme:
Yellow Wire-Male>Female (package with 200) – cm-200-pcs-303,574
Male-Coloured Yarn>Male (package with 68) – wires-8-20 cm-68-cable-pack-142,221