I bought this USB voltage and current meter only to complete a request that was under $ 15. In Dealextreme, orders above this value WINS free tracing.
The product is pretty cool. You plug one of the sides in a source or computer USB and the other side to the device. Like this, measure current and voltage of the USB in question.
USB output connector detail, where is connected the load (cell phone or tablet).
There's the meter hooked up to my computer, measuring approximately 5V USB.
Without load, logically, the USB chain is zero.
I thought USBs from my computer only allowed current up to 100mA. I was wrong, putting up to carry a cell phone have the 0.33, IE, 330Ma.
Already putting a tablet the chain reaches 0.45 mA or 450mA.
It's pretty cool to test the source and check if the battery of the mobile phone or tablet are even carrying. What was supposed to be just a bauble to complete the minimum of fifteen dollars, turned out to be a very useful product. I leave the link to the DealExtreme: