My rechargeable vacuum cleaner burned once and I decided to test this electric broom before deciding to buy another. Works, but it is not a wonder.
It comes with manual and everything.
The best part is that the battery is rechargeable and removable. Enough to buy another on Ebay, if burns or take issue.
There is a broom. It comes disassembled but is not meant to be transported. It is wound to remove the parts that fit.
At the top of the broom, where there is a sticker, is where the battery fits.
The broom is able to ”varrer\”, into an inner container, any small dirt. Even a candy wrapper.
The broom works thanks to these mobile blades, having bristles pushing dirt into.
In the lower part one can remove dirt collected opening the container blue.
See the container already open. There is no filter, bag or anything else to be exchanged. It requires time when cleaning.
All propellers are fitted out again easily and, which facilitates cleaning. The bad part is that you will have to clean it a lot of times, because hair and other debris end up getting arrested.
You let the battery to recharge the outlet while not using the broom.
This is a cheap product: about of 70 real, and it can not be expected to have the same efficiency of a rechargeable vacuum cleaner, It is costing more than 400 real. Even so, some things leave you like battery life, that after a month of use is not much lasting. Sometimes you will clean something and it ends up messing. You have to make constant cleaning product not to decrease the efficiency. Even so, for the price, I think it's worth it. I leave the link to the product:
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