This is the best product I bought in China until today. Works very well! It is a hand Scanner with USB card.
Hand scanners were very common in the late 80 and early 90, but this is different. There's a MicroSD card that allows you to scan documents without needing the computer. Pretty cool.

Runs on two AA batteries. I use rechargeable batteries and works great. If you use ordinary batteries be sure to not leave plugged in the USB, because it will download.

To use the device you just press the silver button and move the Scanner slowly for a document. After you finish a red led indicates that the figure was saved.

It also comes with a bag for transport. Very convenient…

Look at an example of scanning. As soon as you finish move it saves the file.

The fact work very well even after more than a year makes it one of the best Chinese devices bought in all weathers. I've seen selling in the shop for more than R$200,00.

In the left part there are two buttons to change the DPI (resolution) and change the color to black and white. There are high and low resolution option. Something like 600 and 300 DPI. Although the Scanner is of low resolution is more than enough for documents.
Look at the Scanner protected for transport inside the plastic bag.
I leave here the link to purchase on DealExtreme. It's a bit expensive, but it's worth. I bought in a promotion for $ $39,90. In the second link there is a similar and cheaper Scanner.
I bought a Kingsen 8M scanner China, but it did not come with CD or flash drive to install the software and windons not recognize to connect it via USB. Can someone help me ?
I knew this scanner, Shoptime sold but does time. Only the price was pretty steep… good tip, Prof..
There's no way to know not… But usually gets good…
Guy, very nice, all that doubt, no way to know if the scan looks good by the time you took the photo, While, know if a photo you took of a document with the phone was good
on the side of advertisements? wouldn't think even lol
A good price for R$195,00. Has a button to enjoy at home (right part) and there's also a at the end of the post…
I searched the little button as on the blog but not found..
Skypix 195,00 in good tip